Shamrock Regional Park Logo


Park Entrance Rates

To access the Park, you can either buy a transferable season pass or a day pass. The season pass will allow you access to any of the 101 Regional Parks in Saskatchewan.

Season Sticker: $50.00 Day Pass: $5.00


Camping Fees

This includes modern washrooms, drinking water access, sports facilities, trails and fire pits.

Daily $25.00 $30.00
Weekly $120.00 $180.00
Monthly $240.00 $480.00
Seasonal $375.00 $800.00


  • Please note: All prices are subject to change.
  • 15 amp and limited 30 amp power sites are available.
  • Each camper trailer is allowed one (1) tent for their children or storage. It is not allowed for overnight guests. For every tent over the one (1) tent allowed, an extra $20/tent will be charged. Extra fridges and freezers are $20 each, per site.
  • If you are wanting a load of potable water brought to your camper, we can bring it to you for $20.


Shower and Laundry Fees

<td”>Laundry Washer

Description Fee
Shower $1.00
Laundry Dryer $2.00


Public Swimming Fees

Daily Season
Adult (over 16) $7.00 $70.00
Youth (7-15) $6.00 $60.00
Child (0-6) $4.00 $40.00
Family $25.00 $200.00

Swimming Lesson Fees

Without Family
Season Pass
With Family
Season Pass
Starfish – Level 4 $60.00 $55.00
Level 5 – Level 10 $70.00 $65.00

** Fees must be paid at time of registration!  We accept: Cash, Cheque, etransfer.

Golf Fees

The course surrounds the park on the other side of the Wood River. It is an excellent course on native prairie that offers a number of challenging holes. Golf cart rental is now available. Please inquire at the Booth for more information.

Per Round (18 holes): $5.00    Season Pass (Single): $40.00    Season Pass (Family): $80.00

** Family:  2 adults and children

Facility Rental Fees

For more details or options please contact us by phone at (306) 650-7917 during the summer and at (306) 648-3594 in the off-season.

Hall Rental

Hourly – $20
Per Day – $100
Per Weekend (Friday/Saturday/Sunday) – $250

** Plus $100 damage deposit per rental. Damage deposit will be returned if hall is left in good order.


Ball Diamonds

No charge
Please no glass bottles
Use garbases and recycle